Created in 1993 by Jean Deschêsnes, Desco began operations in the design, manufacture, installation and also maintenance of all equipment related to the field of strand board (OSB).
Mr. Deschêsnes and his employees have made Desco a leader in its niche.
After more than 20 years at the head of the company, Mr. Jean Deschênes decided to give his seat to the next generation. It’s now the time for Pierre-Luc Martel, Jean Bouchard and Rémi Harvey, to take over the management of the company in order to continue to chart the course of Mr. Deschênes.
The team has been also introduced into the sawmill sector. Once again involved in the design, manufacture, installation and optimization of various equipment. Since 2008, Desco inc. has a strong presence in the paper pulp sector. We have forged an enviable expertise in this area. Whether for machine maintenance or any other related equipment, Desco inc. has the team and the required tools for all the works.